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/ Investors/
Thank you for taking the time to visit Living by Sophia Limited. Here’s a brief overview of our investment process:

Start by making a self-declaration

We deal exclusively with experienced investors, so ask everyone to go through a self-declaration process to confirm investor status.

Let’s talk

Discuss your ambitions with a Living by Sophia investor assistant.

Get our brochure

We’ll send you information about your preferred investment. This will include any development plans as well as anticipated returns.

Got any questions?

Do note that under no circumstances is financial advice included or provided by Luxe Living by Sophia to you “the client”.

This is because investment advice or income by referral of such is a regulated activity. We ensure that our Terms of Business maintain a robust statement that no advice is offered due to being unregulated, therefore we cannot offer Independent advice, please do seek this from a registered and regulated IFA.

This is because investment advice or income by referral of such is a regulated activity. We ensure that our Terms of Business maintain a robust statement that no advice is offered due to being unregulated, therefore we cannot offer Independent advice, please do seek this from a registered and regulated IFA.

Make your investment

When you’re ready, choose the investment that’s right for you.

Instruct Solicitors

These professionals will ensure your investment goes through swiftly, enabling you to maximise your profits. We can recommend solicitors if required.

Commence Investment

We look forward to working with you.

What Kind of Investor Are You?
When inquiring about potential investment opportunities please state which type of investor you are.

I’m a ‘High Net Worth Investor’ with an annual income of more than £100,000 or an investment portfolio of more than £250,000.

Read Statement

I’m a ‘Self-Certified Sophisticated Investor’ with previous experience of these or other alternative investments, and understand my capital is at risk if I invest.


Due to FCA regulations, we can’t advertise or promote exactly what we can offer and we need to ensure all investors that we speak to are either ‘sophisticated’ or ‘high net worth’ as per the statement above.